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Uncovering the Meaning of Judgement Tarot Card

The Judgement tarot card symbolizes the arrival of absolution and the culmination of a significant undertaking, often related to past and life lessons. This mysterious card can represent various manifestations of the final judgment in numerous myths. In a spiritual context, the Judgement tarot card signifies a spiritual awakening and the development of self-awareness.

As we delve deeper into the symbolism of the Judgement card, we find that it depicts:

  • Naked men, women, and children, symbolizing vulnerability and the need for self-forgiveness
  • The extended arms of the people on the card, signifying their willingness to accept the judgement of the Universe
  • An extensive mountain range in the distance, representing the arduous task of abstaining from judgement

Major Arcana Significance

As a major arcana card, the Judgement tarot card holds a special significance in tarot readings, symbolizing personal growth and transformation through self-reflection and evaluation. When the Judgement card appears in a reading, it suggests that it is an appropriate time for the individual to take decisive action in their life, heed their inner voice, and be sincere with themselves. This period of transformation and development is crucial for one’s spiritual journey.

An upright Judgement card in a one-card pull implies a positive response, indicating that the person is on the right path. On the other hand, a reversed Judgement card signifies a negative response, possibly indicating unresolved issues or self-doubt.

The Judgement Tarot of Rebirth signifies:

  • The infusion of fresh energy into an existing circumstance
  • New beginnings and opportunities for growth
  • The importance of self-reflection and spiritual growth in our lives

As a major arcana card, the Judgement card serves as a powerful reminder of these aspects.

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